Mohammad Ali Taheri, the founder of a new spiritual group Erfan-e Halgheh, has been on hunger strike for a few days. He is protesting the limbo his case is in. His five-year prison sentence is about to terminate soon, however, the court that had previously sentenced him to death has resumed its investigation into his case.
Mohammad Ali Taheri has been held in solitary confinement for the past nearly five years in Tehran’s Evin Prison. His contact with his inmates and the outside world has been very limited. The only connections that have given him hope and energy are the weekly meetings with his wife and the irregular calls the prison authorities allow him to have with his family. Mohammad Ali Taheri always looks forward to these events, as he doesn’t have anything else to occupy himself with: he hasn’t even had access to books, a piece of paper or a pen for a very long time.
Imprisoned for his teachings and belief
Mohammad Ali Taheri established the Erfan-e Halgheh Institute in Tehran, using healing concepts and treating patients with psychological and medical conditions. The Iranian regime doesn’t recognise Taheri’s group, as in case of other groups that promote alternative spiritual beliefs. As the authorities see them as national security threats, religious minorities are harshly persecuted.
For that reason, the offices of Taheri’s institute were shut down back in August 2010. In October 2011 he was charged with several offences and sentenced to imprisonment, 74 lashes and a heavy fine.
In August 2015, the court also imposed the death penalty on Mohammad Ali Taheri. Amnesty International understands the death sentence was based on the same religious teachings that lead to his convictions in October 2011.
Death sentence quashed
Just before the winter holiday, the family and his lawyer learnt that the Supreme Court quashed Mohammad Ali Taheri’s death sentence and sent the case back to the same court for further investigations into his case.
Now, that Mohammad Ali Taheri’s sentence is nearing its end, Amnesty International urges the Iranian authorities to drop all the charges against him and release him immediately and unconditionally.
>>TAKE ACTION! Support the campaign and join our Twitter Storm tomorrow for Mohammad Ali Taheri.